A woman who has blue eyes want the color of
makeup to show her eyes beautifully.
If you search for Makeup for blue eyes you can Choosing the colors
of brown, pink and colors which near the skin color in work time.

In this topic of our site Makeup for Blue Eyes I will give you some advices,It will help you to make your blue eyes Looks shining and beautiful.
- That's easy to do makeup for blue eyes only put pink eyeshadow upper eye and blue one under it and black eyeliner.
I think this eye looks more shining and i like it.

- If you you do not prefer the pink eyeshadow , you can also replace pink eyeshadow with brown one .
But i think If you use the brown eyeshadow you don't need to use a blue one under your eyes,you can use brown eyeshadow too.

You can try the colors of silver or golden
or shiny pink in special occasions.
These colors will make your eyes
more attractive and charming.
- Draw a line along the eye lashes to select the eye.
In the bottom line of the eye to draw a line shade of golden.

- By using a small brush, put silver eyeshadow upper your eyes.
If you want to do makeup for blue eyes in special evening, you should put dark blue mascara with select by black eyeliner and you can color the lips with quite color even show The beauty of your eyes .
- You can use this color of eyeshadow such brown or light red.

I wish I could be offered to the subject in an easy and useful to all of you.
Follow me i have more advices to Each lady looking for,
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